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G045 Lake Sayram-Guozi Gou Entrance Eighth Contract Section

Data:2015-04-17 16:46:14 Hit: Time

The start-end stake no. of the National Highway G045 Lake Sayram-Guozi Gully Entrance Eighth Contract Section, located in Yanxi section, is K597+300--K608+516.142. Yanxi section is a low-lying line in a gully, aligned mainly along the ravine of Guozi Gully, basically extending along the sunny slope of the gully corridor, along the narrow valley trough. The shady slope is densely covered with picea schrenkiana and the sunny slope with grassland. Usually; the north and south sides of the valley troughs feature cheuches, massive gulches, high mountains, and steep slopes, entailing risks of many geological disasters such as avalanche, debris flow, collapse and chipping. Since preventative measures were not taken during the construction of existing roads, secondary disasters have occurred. Unfavorable geological conditions, including collapse and rockfall, slope slip and collapse, slope chipping, debris flow, landslide, snow damage and meizoseismal areas, are concentrated in the medium mountain-gorge area.

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